
Have you overlooked your managers when it comes to training? 
Businesses in every sector are looking at the best ways to upskill existing staff, with managers often being missed, in the mistaken assumption there isn’t a course out there for them.  

This mistaken belief, could be hindering your business growth. There are a range of level 5 apprenticeships available to enable managers to increase their own skill set, enabling your manager who already knows your business inside and out, to put these new skills to use straightaway.  

Why upskill your managers?  

Many managers have not quite reached the top of their career aspirations, and probably more so than junior staff, will be on the look-out for their next role that can support them on their career journey. Many businesses have confirmed that by upskilling managers, not only have their managers stayed in post for longer, they’ve also been able to effectively succession plan and move people up the ladder internally, reducing recruitment costs along the way.  

What courses are out there?  

Our level 5 operations manager apprenticeship has amazing potential to support pharmacies to transform their business. Giving managers the skills they need to lead teams, deliver projects, and coach and mentor junior staff. This well-rounded apprenticeship has been used by many of our top clients to upskill the staff they think could be their next senior manager.   

Pharmacy assistant helping older couple with medication

Some of our level 5 courses are sector specific, like Leader in Adult Care. This course supports people that are looking to move into management positions in care, giving them the leadership skills they need to guide and support other care workers in often difficult circumstances.  

Adult care worker supporting older people in care setting

Or the Early Years Lead Practitioner apprenticeship, that will teach the skills needed to become a proactive and influential leader in an early years setting, skilfully leading day-to-day practice on an operational level. 

Early years worker working with group of children

How to access?  

The team at Jarvis Training Management can guide you through accessing these courses for your managers, all of which are enrolling learners right now. These courses can all be funded by your Apprenticeship Levy or Levy Transfer, meaning there is very little cost implication for your business.   

So what are you waiting for, support your junior staff and managers to increase their skills, whilst also enabling your business to thrive.